Hand Sanitizer Gel solution Anitbacterial offer Europe

35961 - Hand Sanitizer Gel solution Anitbacterial offer Europe
35961 - Hand Sanitizer Gel solution Anitbacterial offer Europe

Hand Sanitizer Gel solution Anitbacterial offer Europe

Item number: 35961

1) Disposable Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Gel solution flacon
format by 320ml
Price: 4.30 EUR each
Total: 25 000 flacons

2) Disposable Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Wet Towel Wipes / 50 pieces by box 5.90 each single box
Total quantity 4 200 single box divided in 7 pallets
Each pallet has 50 master box , each master box has 12 single box.
EXW Europe

Price: 4.30 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.