Winter baby and kids barded (Disney) sets and pcs. Europe

29832 - Winter baby and kids barded (Disney) sets and pcs. Europe
29832 - Winter baby and kids barded (Disney) sets and pcs. Europe


Winter baby and kids barded (Disney) sets and pcs. Europe

Item number: 29832

Winter baby and kids barded (Disney) sets and pc
Made in India, by Disney license factory the seller can provide NOC
Composition of the goods is high quality interlock and fleece
Total: 61 704 Sets / pcs.: around 80% are 2 pcs set and 20% are 1 pcs.
See in the attachment there are 3 Lots, some are in Barcelona port
Some in Italy port and some in India not shipped yet  
Average price take all is 3.95 EUR set / pcs. FOB
Pictures and packinglist per customer request

Price: 3.95 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.